
Noteworthy Resources

Guidance Document: Actions and Activities that a Healthcare Organization Can Take to Support Its Physician Workforce Well-Being During COVID-19 and Beyond

Prepared by the APA Committee on the Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster, this guidance document provides practical measures that health care leaders and organizations can implement to sustainably support physician well-being.

View here!

ACP Resident Well-being Curriculum

ACP's online Resident Well-Being Curriculum connects residents with evidence-based strategies to foster well-being and prevent burnout. Aligned with the new ACGME requirements for resident training in well-being, the modules can be learned individually or as a complete program.

The curriculum consists of three online, multimedia modules and offers individual and organizational strategies. Modules are free to ACP Members. Nonmembers may purchase access.

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UCLA Loneliness Scale

This is a scale used to assess feelings of loneliness or social isolation. The Three-Item Loneliness Scale is an interviewer-administered questionnaire developed from the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale. Each question is rated on a 3-point scale: 1 = Hardly Ever; 2 = Some of the Time; 3 = Often. All items are summed to give a total score.

Civility Saves Lives Resources

The evidence resource web page articulates how civility and the absence of it translate in medicine. Resources include academic papers and multimedia tools.

Project Implicit From Harvard University

Test your implicit bias. In this resource, you'll be asked to select an Implicit Association Test (IAT) from a list of possible topics. The test will ask you (optionally) to report your attitudes or beliefs about implicit association topics and provide some information about yourself. Test results can be used for your own self-awareness and growth.

General Team Care Toolkit

ACP has developed this toolkit to share best practices and real-life examples of successful team-based clinical care models that include internal medicine physicians working with nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other members of the clinical care team. This toolkit includes resources to help foster productive and purposeful internal medicine teams.

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ACP Well-being Champion Library of Interventions

ACP's new Library of Well-being Interventions for Well-being Champions and ACP chapter leaders can assist Well-being Champions in their mission of battling burnout and increasing professional fulfillment in their chapters. Curated resources are grouped into categories that include advocacy; peer support; diversity, equity, and inclusion; organizational interventions; and more. These interventions are easy to implement and can help you with your ACP chapter work.

View here! (Must be logged in to ACP Online.)

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