
ACP Congratulates Global 2022 John Tooker Evergreen Award Winner

The John Tooker Evergreen Awards Program provides visibility and recognition to those chapters that have been successful in implementing programs that increase membership, improve communication, increase member involvement, enhance diversity, foster careers in internal medicine, and improve management of the chapter. Each fall, chapters are invited to nominate their own programs, providing details of why the program was initiated, how it was implemented, and what the results were.

Please join us as we celebrate India, our international chapter that received the 2022 John Tooker Evergreen Award.

India - Case Files for Early Career Physicians

This program is conceived to help Early Career Physicians in India in their day-to-day practice. In this series of case files, a senior professor of medicine presents a challenging case which he met in his hospital practice. It is a guide for ECPs on how they should handle the challenging clinical problems in day-to-day practice. It was designed to provide a helpful tool which helps and attracts early career clinicians towards ACP membership as well as encourages new members to renew their memberships. As young doctors need to work hard with heavy outdoor clinics, ICU duties and visiting multiple hospitals, in all this they need to take care their own wellbeing, finances, Medico-legal stresses. Therefore, this program features one lecture for these issues of utmost importance related to wellbeing, their own health, accounts handling and medico-legal information, which are mandatory to know for a physician in the beginning of his career while keeping himself busy in serving patients, earning livelihood.

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