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Educational resources: Clinical cases- digital peer review journal, vignette winners may be able to submit. MKSAP-19 has been updated; Dr. Robert Trowbridge, member of the Maine Chapter, is a deputy editor. Evidence based guidelines. On line learning center offers CME and MOC learning activities and provides state requirements. Point of Care Ultrasound education. Advocacy new vision for better health care this information has been sent, via email, to chapter members. Advocacy Internal Medicine is always ongoing. Chapter UpdatesFinancial: Dues income was budgeted less than usual because of the pandemic; we collected more dues income than budgeted. $3,000.00 was budgeted as income Chapter Excellence; we achieved Gold status and received $5,000.00. Due to the pandemic expenses have been lower than anticipated. A deposit of $4,500.00 has been paid to Atlantic Oceanside for the 2023 Chapter Meeting. By-laws: The Chapters By-laws were last edited updated and approved by the BOR was in 2004. The draft of the edited by-laws were presented. Major changes would allow electronic notices and votes. Updated diversity. The Chapter has been in violation of the current by-laws regarding members of the GAC and how they become members. GAC members may be able to serve2 consecutive term of 3 years and may be able to serve again after a hiatus of 1 year. Approximately 1/3 of the council will be elected annually. This information is included in Section 5.1 of the By-laws. There was a discussion regarding quorum of meetings and how to solicit for nominees and address the various geographical representation of the state. Governor: Dr. Hayes read a letter from the ACP thanking Dr. Hemphill for her contribution as the outgoing Governor of the Maine Chapter. Highlights include her outstanding leadership at both the National and State level and valuable member of the BOG. The Maine Chapter achieved Gold status Chapter Excellence each year to date of her term (3 years). Other updates: During this past year the 2nd Annual Richard Engel, MD FACP Primary Care Symposium was held and was a successful event. A morning report was held at UNE another success and another morning report was held this month. Dr. Toma was instrumental in assisting in the recruitment of Chapter members to volunteer at the Portland Free Clinic. Wellness committee held a fun virtual yoga class, members and guests enjoyed an afternoon in the skyboxes watching a SeaDogs baseball game. The Chapter welcomed 15 new Fellow and 4 Masters, Congratulations!! Chapter Activities Suggestions: It was recognized that socialization and chapter engagement is needed, ideas include: Weekend Medical School: Open to the public, programs of interest to the public scheduled for a few Saturday mornings, approximately 2 hours, promote IM. An event designed similar to speed dating, move from table to table for short conversation with members. Organized walks with a nature guide Maine Audubon or Maine Coast Heritage Trust. Tour Roux Institute or Gulf of Maine Research Institute, both in Portland. Organized tour of the Portland Museum of Art or the Colby College Museum of Art. Resolutions: Process of a resolution: A suggestion from a member Governor confirms there is not already a similar resolution. Resolution reviewed and voted on by the GAC Presented to the ACP Board of Governors If endorsed goes to the Board of Regents for final yea or nay. The Maine Chapter has submitted 2 resolutions over the past few years. There was a discussion regarding the recent Cures Act. Majority of participants feels the instant release of testing results to patients before seen by their physician may be harmful to the patient.  If the updated By-laws are ratified by the BOR prior to the 2022 Chapter meeting elections will be held during the Chapter meeting. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the edited By-laws as presented. By-laws will now proceed to the next step. Participants eligible for Fellow status to apply or if they know someone that is deserving to contact our chapter and the Chapter will reach out to encourage the member to become a Fellow. Dr. Hemphill will reach to ACP Formatics group and will socialize the availability of a possible resolution.  Save the DatesMarch 23, 2022 Richard Engel, MD FACP Primary Care Symposium Portland, ME September 23 25, 2022 Maine Chapter ACP Annual Scientific and Chapter Meeting, Bar Harbor, ME Native American History was suggested as the Leonard Keilson MD Memorial Lecture.       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