
Advocacy Brief: ACP makes recommendations for final health care legislation

Advocacy Brief: ACP makes recommendations for final health care legislation

On January 7, 2010 ACP President Joseph Stubbs., sent a letter to congressional leadership working to reconcile differences between the House-passed "Affordable Health Care for America Act" and the Senate-passed "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." In the letter, the College urges congressional leaders to include the strongest possible provisions in the final health reform bill to help ensure that there will be enough primary care physicians to take care of the more than 30 million additional Americans who will soon have affordable coverage, as well as those who already have coverage. ACP's detailed recommendations can be found here. It is not too late to let your members of Congress know just how important it is for the final health reform bill to include meaningful provisions to recruit and retain primary care physicians. Sign up for the Key Contact program and send a message now!

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