
What ¿Ú´üÅ®ÓÅ Advocacy Did For You and Your Patients in 2020

2020 delivered unprecedented challenges but ¿Ú´üÅ®ÓÅ's advocacy continued to work for you. Achieving policy change that improved our members daily practice and your patient's health care.

Advocacy Highlights

Click to view additional 2020 highlights.
  • Achieved Historic Payment Wins with CMS and Congress
    Wins include increased pay for office visit and other E/M codes that will result in an estimated 6% increase in total 2021 Medicare payments to internal medicine physicians.
  • Supported​ Physicians and Patients during COVID-19
    Achieved financial assistance for practices; pay parity for telemedicine; Medicare regulatory requirements eased; increased funding for testing and treatment; and increased availability of PPE.
  • Addressed Barriers to Care, Disparities, and Discrimination in Health Care
    Promoted diversity equity and inclusion, releasing "Racism and Health in the United States" policy; participated in joint arguments to protect the ACA; and opposed rules to deny access to care.
  • Policy Development Focus
    Addressed promoting prescription drug competition, step-therapy and nonmedical drug switching, and new surprise medical billing provisions; and provided recommendations to the Biden transition team.
  • Published New Vision for Comprehensive Health Care Reform
    Envisioning a Better U.S. Health Care System for All proposed comprehensive reform of U.S. health care, the importance of which is magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic.