
Colorado Governor's Newsletter January 2024

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Alwinn Steinmann, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Alwinn Steinmann, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Corner

I hope everyone had a happy holiday season with an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends and wish you all a healthy and enriching New Year. The holidays will eventually transition back to the 鈥渟ame old, same old鈥 tasks and duties of everyday life, but as the excitement and activities of the season wane, may you be able to keep a little bit of optimism and goodwill in your heart.



Annual Chapter Meeting

For our Colorado Chapter, one of the early calendar-year events to look forward to is our Annual Chapter Meeting at the Broadmoor. We will meet Feb. 2-3, 2024 鈥 hope to see many of you there! We have a great line-up of speakers and topics as well as resident poster and abstract presentations and our Chapter Awards presentations. (A full list of the awardees as well as new Masters will be included in the April newsletter.) E-mail invitations have been sent and more will be sent during the month. Please plan to attend!

Meeting Program and Registration, please Click here to register.

You may use the following link to make your hotel reservation for our 2024 Chapter Meeting: .

Charitable Giving Opportunity

In conjunction with our annual meeting, our Chapter identifies a charity to support and encourage donations from our members. This year we will be asking our members to consider a donation to the DAWN Clinic. DAWN is designed to address the social and medical disparities in the Aurora community through a student-run free clinic. Students from the University of Colorado School of Medicine design everything from the clinic flow, supply procurement, testing services design, subspecialty referral pathways, and community engagement. The clinic offers specialty nights including diabetes care, behavioral health, cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, occupational and physical therapy, and woman's health. DAWN also provides other resources for families facing hardship including crops from the community garden, assistance with job search and housing, among others. More information may be found .

While I have typically tried to identify a charity with more of a state-wide reach, our Chapter has a history with DAWN. Our 2020 Volunteerism and Community Service Awardee, Dr. Joseph Johnson helped establish this clinic and a number of our members supervise students there. Early in the COVID pandemic, when the clinic was utilizing remote precepting, we put out a call for internists willing to help 鈥 and some of you did!

Please use the link above or this QR code to make a donation:


Please be sure to include a 鈥渄edication鈥 to the Colordo Chapter ACP so that we can receive information on the total amount that our Chapter donates. Thank you!



Social Media

Our Chapter is piloting a program in which one of our student or resident members will shepherd and help rejuvenate our social media accounts (FaceBook, X and soon to come, Instagram). I am pleased to say that Erika LaBelle from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine will be taking on that role. Please keep an eye out for us!



National Council Appointments

I am very pleased to announce that two Colorado Chapter members have been elected to serve on national ACP Councils. Tionna Symansky (Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine) has been elected as Vice-Chair of the Council of Student Members, and Dr. Ashley McKenzie (Saint Joseph Hospital) has been elected to serve on the Council of Resident / Fellow members. Please join me in congratulating them!



Volunteer for a Chapter Committee

We have had a number of responses from previous requests for committee members and placed some new folks on committees. We can still use new members for our Finance, Membership and Health and Public Policy Committees. Please contact me if you have questions or are interested - alwin.steinmann@imail.org.



2024 Leadership Day 鈥 Washington, DC 鈥 Save the Date

The ACPs annual advocacy event in Washington, DC will be held April 13-14 this year. More information will follow, but interested parties may reach out to me for general information alwin.steinmann@imail.org.



News from the ACP

Advocacy 鈥 view a summary of the national ACPs legislative and advocacy work in 2023.

Combating mis- and disinformation 鈥 The ACP is partnering with the Public Good Projects to provide access to curated , specifically developed for physicians and health care professionals, to help mitigate health care mis- and disinformation. 
