
Alvan R. Feinstein Memorial Award

The award is to be given to an American physician who has made a major contribution to the science of patient care in activities that Dr. Feinstein has broadly defined as clinical epidemiology or clinimetrics, involving the direct study of patients’ clinical conditions. This award is given every other year.

The Awards Committee encourages supporting letters from physicians familiar with clinimetrics/clinical epidemiology and how the nominee’s work contributes to the science of patient care.

Nominating and supporting letters should address:

  • The nominee's contributions to the field of clinical epidemiology or clinimetrics, involving the direct study of patients’ clinical conditions.
  • The ways in which the nominee’s work contributed to the science of patient care.
  • Whether the nominee’s contributions have been sustained over time.

Established: 2002

In honor of the late Dr. Alvan R. Feinstein, internationally recognized as the father of clinical epidemiology.

Full Lists of Recipients